Truck Electric Air Conditioner

A direct current (DC) 12V 24V truck electric air conditioner, also known as a park air conditioner (park cooler). It is designed for customers who want to use a DC battery powered electric compressor when the engine is off. DC 12V/ 24V air conditioners are for trucks and vehicles that require 12V or 24V battery power to drive their air conditioning systems. These DC 24V/12V products are now widely used for ventilation and air conditioning systems in trucks, tractors, and construction machinery cabs.
PER provides energy-saving no-idle solutions to improve cab comfort for customers worldwide. As a DC powered air conditioner manufacturer with decades of production experience, we are able to offer quality products and cheaper prices than other suppliers.

Productos Recomendados

Truck Parking Air Conditioner - PER-T5000

Truck Parking Air Conditioner - PER-T2000

Truck Parking Air Conditioner - PER-T1800

How to Choose The Right Truck Air Conditioner for You?

When choosing a suitable truck air conditioner, there are some key factors to keep in mind considering that trucks are a special working environment. The right truck air conditioner will not only provide a comfortable driving environment but will also improve efficiency and driver comfort.

Choosing the right truck air conditioner starts with considering the type and size of the truck. Different types of trucks have different space sizes and layouts, so you need to choose an air conditioning system that is adapted to that type of truck. Ensure that the size and shape of the air conditioning system match the truck to ensure the adaptability and effectiveness of the installation.

Trucks often work in different environments and conditions, so the temperature and conditions of the working environment need to be considered when selecting an air conditioning system. If the truck often works in a hot environment, an air-conditioning system with a strong cooling capacity should be selected. If the truck operates in a dusty or high-humidity environment, an air conditioning system with good filtration and dehumidification should be selected.

Truck air conditioning consumes a lot of energy, so it is important to choose an air conditioning system with high energy efficiency. Considering long-distance driving and frequent use of the air-conditioning system, choosing an air-conditioning system that can provide efficient cooling at low energy consumption will save fuel consumption.

Choosing a truck air conditioning system with a full range of control and regulation features can provide a better driver experience. These features include temperature control, airspeed adjustment, and air zone settings. Also, check if the air conditioning system is equipped with UV and particulate protection to provide better indoor air quality.

When choosing an air conditioner for your truck, you should also consider its ease of installation and maintenance. Ensure that the installation process of the air conditioning system is simple and intuitive and that routine maintenance and cleaning can be carried out easily. This will help save time and resources and ensure the long-term reliability of the air conditioning system.

In summary, choosing the right truck air conditioner requires a combination of truck type and size, ambient temperature and conditions, energy efficiency, control and regulation features, and ease of installation and maintenance. By understanding these key factors and choosing the right air conditioning system, you can provide your drivers with a comfortable working environment and improve the efficiency of your truck. PER can provide you with expert guidance on deciding the right air conditioning for your parking.


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